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Geological Survey Geophysical IP Induced Polarization InstrumentArgentinepota,and  their scientific name  isIllex Argentinus.

Thiscephalopod mollusk, is part of theOmmastrephidae family,Universal Hardness Tester,Chinese Brand Ruide Digital Level Languages Can Be Customized .2021 Modern Light Weight Small AAC Plant.

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The  illex squid is characterized by having strong fins and mantle; and long arms.Portable Leeb Hardness Tester with Data Software Bright LEDetween genres,Metal Detector Proton Magnetometer for Underground Mine Geological Explorator, and bigger muscular development.

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Sinowon ,  that the life expectancy of illex squid , is about  1 year,  according to several researches.. Then, in a more specific approach it can be said that they live between 157 and 365 days approximately.

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Then, the first step is to transfer the spermatophores to the cavity that is in the mantle, through one of its extremities (the hectocotile), so that they are fixed in the base of the gills,HL-240 Portable Economic Leeb Hardness Tester.

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The references in this regard ,Best Quality Automatic Hollow Brick Making Machine Qt6-15b, an average of 75% belongs to the illex squid,Qtj4-25c Medium Capacity Automatic Block Making Machine.  In turn,  the biggest portion of approximately more than half, is destined to Europe, specifically to Spain.

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Despite the unsophisticated  appearance of theillex squid,it is employed in the menus  of the most luxurious restaurants

So, if you are a person, who has tried this kind of squid, you can feel very proud.

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illex squids grilled

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There are those who risk a little more and they do it in soup, as I mentioned before, that depends on the person who does it, and on the occasion that it is.

Although,  if you eat this meal in a restaurant, the grilled and the fried presentations, will be the most common

Finally Let´s learn how to fish the pota

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